Imad Faruque (ESR11)


Hired at the University of Bristol bristolunilogo_short

Duration: June 2014-May 2017

Research project: Silicon integrated quantum circuits


Conference publication
I.I. Faruque, G. Sinclair, D. Bonneau, J. Rarity, M.G. Thompson. “Heralded quantum interference of on-chipmicro-ring resonator sources in silicon photonics”. CLEO, 14-19 May 2017, San Jose, CA, USA.

Oral conference contributions and Posters

1. I. Faruque. Poster. “Characterizing Silicon photonics sources for quantum application” Photon16, 5-8 September 2016, Leeds, UK

2. I.I. Faruque, Gary F. Sinclair, Damien Bonneau, and Mark G. Thompson. Oral. “Characterizing silicon photonics sources for quantum application”. PICQUE Scientific School Architectures for Quantum Photonic Circuits, 8-10 February 2017, Nice, France.

3. I.I. Faruque, G. Sinclair, D. Bonneau, J. Rarity, M.G. Thompson. Oral. “Heralded quantum interference of on-chip micro-ring resonator sources in silicon photonics”. CLEO, 14-19 May 2017, San Jose, CA, USA.


1. Bristol Bright Night 25 September 2015: Took part as a fellow in Marie Curie ITN in the outreach organised by the University of Bristol for European Researcher’s Night for general audience.

2. Schools Day @ Unit DX incubator 15 March 2017: Demos on properties of light for groups of primary school students.

3. Research without Borders 12 May 2017: Took part as an exhibitor with the attached poster and a silicon photonic chip demo to look under the microscope for general public organised by University of Bristol.