
IQIS 2016 – 9th Italian Quantum Information Science Conference

Rome, 20-23 September 2016

PiazzaleMinerva_Giuseppe Savo

The Conference will continue the work of the Italian Quantum community and agenda, first set in Camerino in 2008 and then continued in Pisa (2009), Torino (2010), Vietri (2011), Padova (2012), Como (2013), Salerno (2014), and Monopoli (2015). It aims to bring together many researchers from Italy and around the world. Professors, young researchers, postdocs and students will have the opportunity to meet active research groups and establish collaborations.

Wifi connection
Access to free Wi-Fi Internet connection at the conference venue is available only for participants who completed the Wi-Fi registration before the conference.
To login use the username and password you received by email after registration. Should you have difficulties in connecting to the Wi-Fi onsite, please try changing the browser and/or lowering your computer’s security settings.

Abstract submission
Abstract submission for oral presentation and poster presentation is now closed.

Best Presentation and Poster Awards
During the Conference, the Scientific Committee will select the best presentation, which will be awarded of the Best Presentation Award (€ 500), and the best poster, awarded of the Best Poster Award (€ 250).

Special Session on Italian and European Policies on Quantum Information
Chairs: Tommaso Calarco (Universität Ulm) and Francesco Cataliotti (LENS, Firenze)

Invited Tutorials
Jean Dalibard (UQUAM – Collège de France)Eleni Diamanti (CNRS – Telecom Paristech)Ronald Hanson (Delft University of Technology)Seth Lloyd (MIT)Pascale Senellart (CNRS-LPN)Matthias Troyer (ETH Zurich)

Satellite event: Young IQIS2016, 19 September
A satellite event of the IQIS2016 Conference dedicated to the young scientists will be held in Rome on Monday 19 September. The attendance is restricted to PhD, Master students and junior post-docs registered to the IQIS2016 Conference.

Invited Speakers
Gerardo Adesso (University of Nottingham)Marco Bellini (INO-CNR & LENS, Firenze)Maria Bondani (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria)Paolo Facchi (INFN-CNR)Leonardo Fallani (LENS, Firenze)Marco Genovese (INRIM, Torino)Vittorio Giovannetti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)Fabrizio Illuminati (Università degli Studi di Salerno)Lorenzo Maccone (Università degli Studi di Pavia)Stefano Mancini (Università di Camerino)Sabrina Maniscalco (University of Turku)Simone Montangero (University of Ulm)Roberto Osellame (IFN-CNR Milano)Elisabetta Paladino (Università degli Studi di Catania)Massimo Palma (Università degli Studi di Palermo)Matteo Paris (Quantum Technology Lab, UniMI)Mauro Paternostro (Queen’s University Belfast)Stefano Pirandola (York Centre for Quantum Technologies)Alberto Porzio (CNR-SPIN, Napoli)Giuseppe Santoro (SISSA, Trieste)Augusto Smerzi (INO-CNR & LENS, Firenze)Paolo Villoresi (University of Padova)
Scientific CommitteeMarco Barbieri (Università di Roma Tre)Tommaso Calarco (University of Ulm)Rosario Fazio (ICTP & Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)Chiara Macchiavello (Università di Pavia)Giorgio Parisi (University of Rome La Sapienza)Saverio Pascazio (Università di Bari)Fabio Sciarrino (University of Rome La Sapienza)

Local Organising Committee
Giuliana Pensa (University of Rome La Sapienza)Nicolò Spagnolo (University of Rome La Sapienza)Fernanda Lupinacci (University of Rome La Sapienza)

Past editions
IQIS 2015  (Monopoli)IQIS 2014 (Salerno)IQIS 2013 (Como)IQIS 2012 (Padova)IQIS 2011 (Vietri)IQIS 2010 (Torino)IQIS 2009 (Pisa)IQIS 2008 (Camerino)